
Automatically back up photos to an external drive


Please see the license.


Becuase my Dad was frustrated with the buggy iCloud Photos backup, I created PicBac to automatically back up photos in a given directory to an external hard drive.

PicBac works best nested insidea CRON job, as it allow PicBac to run at a constant interval, whenever the user pleases.

For speed reasons, PicBac only backs up files that meet the following criteria


First clone the project.

Please note the following lines in PicBac.py

# Constants for user to edit
# The source file to scan
source = "EDIT_SOURCE"
# The destination drive to copy
destination = "EDIT_DESTINATION"

The source variable and the destination variable are what should be changed from machine to machine.

It's pretty straightforward.


There are two methods that I forsee this being used.


Navigate in your preferred CLI to wherever your project is located.

python PicBac.py

As a CRON Job

Although my end user was on OSX, this can be adopted to other Unix canidates

The content below os specific to OSX

Open the CRON File

Use your editor of choice... Mine is Atom.

env EDITOR=atom crontab -e

where atom can be replaced with vim, nano, emacs, etc.

Timing Sequence

Reference Article

The timing sequence of a CRON job looks like this: * * * * *

If you wanted to run the job every day at 1:00pm: 0 13 * * *

If you wanted the job to run every 30 minutes, you could use the following sequence: 30 * * * *

And, lastly, if you wanted the job to run once a week on Wednesday, you could type the following sequence: * * * * 3

Becuase PicBac only transfers files if the specified path exists, an external drive can be set. When the external drive is not found, no errors are thrown, it will just try again at the next designated time.

In my Dad's case, I have it configured to run once a day, at 12am. 0 0 * * *

Save CRON File

Save the CRON file per your editors specifications

Verify CRON Job

To verify the existance of the CRON job:

crontab -l

Contributing / Issue's

If you find any issues, please report them on this repo's issue page.

Pull requests to make this software even better are always welcome.